Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Extradition Blocked (!!!)

I awoke this morning just before 8:00 AM, and a chill of excitement went down my spine. This morning was the morning of the decision! I immediately grabbed my IPad, and started tuning in to BBC London 94.9. Every radio stream I found was talking about things completely irrelevant to the fate of Gary McKinnon. So I tried Google. The posts I got were dealing with a hopeful, tense wait.... Within about fifteen minutes, I (and everyone else) finally heard the final decision. There was video of Home Secretary of Theresa May in front of the High Court's packed green benches....

May explained that since she arrived in office, the one issue she'd been required to examine was whether or not an extradition would be a breech of Gary McKinnon's human rights. Her conclusion was that (after careful examination of all the evidence, and a great deal of counsel from medical professionals) an extradition would certainly be a breech of Gary's human rights. May had to stop amidst a unanimous "YAY!" during her explanation of her findings. At her conclusion, another unanimous "YAY!!" and applause.

"I will, therefore, (May said) BLOCK the extradition order."

I smiled, and thought, "Oh, thank God!". I have no doubt that everyone did. I remained calm, sitting on my sofa in my living room.

But I tell you the truth...I wanted to jump up and down and scream hysterically!!!!! :). The only reason I did not, is because my neighbors would've knocked on my door. And, so, it slowly trickled out into the media and onto Twitter and Facebook: "Gary McKinnon Extradition Blocked.". Hallelujah!! Needless to say, this has been an exciting day going back and forth between Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Google, posting videos and retweeting many congratulatory sentiments for Mr. McKinnon and his mother Janis Sharp. Now, these are things that I do on a daily basis... But obviously the reason today, was much different than any other day. And now that it is 3:00 AM over in the UK, and evening here, and much of the stir has died down, a few things are occurring to me.

Now, for first time in ten years, Gary McKinnon will be able to spend his days and nights without needing to report to a police station. Janis Sharp will be able to spend her evenings relaxing, rather than being on Twitter at all hours, posting articles and updates, and answering questions about her son. She'll be able to choose what she wants to do with her day, rather then endlessly commenting on articles and correcting certain errors of information. An interview for the media (if mother and son choose it) will now be colored with the wonderful news that Gary will be allowed to stay where his home and family is and sleep in his own bed. Hopefully, Janis Sharp will now be able to see some of the light come back into her son's eyes. She has described her son as being gentle to the core, and (usually) very active, swimming, cycling, and playing music.

To Gary: I know I've never met you face to face; but I want to say, Congratulations, and I am so happy for you! You've fought a good fight and you're and inspiration to many people. To Janis Sharp: thank you for being such a pillar of strength, tirelessly standing up for what's right. Your agility and mental clarity, particularly under pressure are amazing! Thank you for taking the time to converse with me, and many others at one in the morning, after horrific days of exhausting proportions. Always gracious and always kind... While always knowing right where you stand. You are an amazing lady! Sweet dreams to you both! May you now enjoy both restful days and restful sleep. <3 xxx :)

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