Sunday, August 19, 2012

A process too Long

Gary NcKinnon & his mother Janis Sharp have been fighting his possible extradition to the US for the last ten years. Gary says he had a simple commercially available software program that allowed him to have control of the desktops in various military & NASA computers. The problem was that many of these computers had blank administrative passwords and no firewalls, allowing Gary to access his information with seemingly no "hacking" at all. Just his software, and some "Pearl" script commands. If I didn't spell that right, this should show you my level of computer knowledge. :). Anyway, Gary also used what he called a "Nadstat" command which enabled him to view a list of others who were simultaneously "hacking" the same computers. Gary claims he was looking for evidence of UFO's. Gary claims he found evidence of what he was looking for, and was "caught" one night, several months later. Someone apparently saw the mouse moving on the desktop Gary was "in" and asked him what he was up to. Gary was "cut-off" while downloading a NASA photograph, of a "cigar shaped" structure above the earth's hemisphere that (he says) did not appear to be man made. Keep in mind, this was a 56k dial up modem. Gary was originally arrested in 2002, and has been out on bail since that time. The British government said that McKinnon would be given a six month sentence for what he'd done. The real problem came two years after McKinnon was arrested. An apparently secret extradition treaty was signed between the US and Britain. This treaty apparently allows the US government to extradite British citizens with nothing more than a suspicion of wrong doing. No proof, and therefore, no due process. Apparently our Constitution prevents the British government from doing the same to our citizens. The American government then wanted to extradite McKinnon to stand trial on seven counts of...(computer hacking??...terrorism??) at ten years apiece, making a possible 70 years (or a life sentence). Now, here's the thing... Why did that US government bring these charges against Gary two years AFTER he'd been arrested?...two years AFTER the British Government said he would get a sentence of six months? Why were they allowed (apparently) to suddenly change their minds? Why would the British government agree to something so "lopsided" if you will, anyway? Another problem...How can someone be extradited to another country when they never left? To extradite someone to face charges means to make them return to the country where the wrong was done. Gary McKinnon never left the UK. His supposed hacking took place in the bedroom of a house in north London. Furthermore, Gary likely will never leave the UK because he suffers from severe anxiety brought on by Asberger's Syndrome. Another problem: when Gary was originally arrested in 2002, the police pounded on his door early in the morning, he was taken to a London police station & questioned about what he had done without a lawyer present. Wishing to cooperate and wanting to save himself trouble, Gary told police the truth about what he had done. Gary's computer, hard drive, and another computer and hard drive in the residence where Gary was living were confiscated. Gary's belief was that he should tell the truth because he knew the police had these things in their possession. It appears now that Gary's honesty is being used against him in order to (???). Another problem: Examinations performed on Gary to determine whether Gary would be fit to be extradited. According to Gary's mother Janis Sharp, Gary has been diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome. Apparently, Gary has already had a total of (I believe) 4 medical examinations. If I have my information correct, two top doctor's in the field have diagnosed McKinnon with Asperger's Syndrome, and two (or was it three?)examinations performed by the home office in the British government have found Gary to be an extreme suicide risk if extradited & unfit for extradition. Even so, yet AGAIN, the British home office requested yet another medical examination, which Gary apparently had no choice but to refuse because the medical examiner would not have taken his AS into account. So, on Tuesday, July 24th of this year, the case was again brought before the British High Court... But no decision was made. Home Secretary Teresa May claimed she'd been too busy with preparation of the London Olympics to have properly examined all the evidence in Gary's case. So a decision has been delayed until on or around October 16th of this year. May also claimed that the delay came because she desired that Parliament be present for the decision. As part of the conditions of Gary's bail he is required to report a police station every single night. A word about Asperger's Syndrome. People with AS reason things differently & they process information differently. They are usually truthful to their own detriment and become so engrossed in what they do that they are unable to think through the END result of what they are doing or how it will eventually affect them, as well as others. This inability to predict the possible consequences of their actions (based on the way that others see what has happened) often gets them in hot water. Their different reasoning processes and expert like knowledge in certain areas often cause them to appear as insensitive "know it all's. Who have a lack of empathy for others. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Gary admits that he had unauthorized access & that this was wrong. He admits that he left stupid notes on US government computers under the name Solo, telling the US government that their computer security is crap. (Is it not?). Gary further claims that all he did was install the necessary firewalls in order to keep someone who truly would be a danger from "hacking" the system. He says that he did not do any damage to any computers because that would not have been to his advantage, and that he desired to maintain a "quiet" presence where he was. I truly believe that like a child, Gary was believing that his honesty would get him some forgiveness and understanding (Hey, this is America right? We're innocent until proven guilty right...) According to Gary, the US government is claiming that he deleted computer files and made one entire system inoperable. The US government claims that Gary did several thousand dollars worth of damage to each machine he was on, and that it cost our government a gigantic amount of money to repair the damage done. Interestingly, US law requires that there be at least $5,000 worth of damage done to a government computer for the act to be punishable with jail time. It is my personal belief that Gary's only crime was likely insulting the American Government (not hacking into computers with blank passwords.). So, I believe rather than treating him like curious UFO seeker, they are treating him like a dangerous terrorist who must be stopped. It seems to me that it's not so much any damage that he did, but the fact that he was brutally honest about it & in being so, probably made the US government look sloppy. Come on... I mean, MANY criminals have done much worse and they've gotten away with it and Hollywood has made movies about it! For more info. On anything I've mentioned here you can just search YouTube.... Just type in Gary McKinnon, or go to

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